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Reg Davidson Pole Raising
Images courtesy of the Haida Gwaii Museum. Provided for research purposes only. Other uses require permission: 250-559-4643
Reg Davidson Pole Raising
Reg Davidson Pole Raising

Reg Davidson Pole Raising

DateCirca 1991
Dimensions12.7 × 9.5 cm (5 × 3 3/4 in.)
Object numberPh 5462.01 - .03
DescriptionThree photos showing the Reg Davidson totem pole raising in front of Sarah Hillis's longhouse in Old Massett
.01 - Totem pole being raised by the crown with two men, Ernie Collison and unidentified, on the roof.
.02 - Totem pole nearly erect.
.03 - Side view of totem pole completely raised.
On View
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