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Phillips Dalzell
Images courtesy of the Haida Gwaii Museum. Provided for research purposes only. Other uses require permission: 250-559-4643
Phillips Dalzell
Phillips Dalzell

Phillips Dalzell

BiographyHoward Phillips of Masset and Kathleen (Betty) Dalzell researched and assembled a collection of approximately 2000 historical photographs of Haida Gwaii people and places during the early 1970's. The collection formed the foundation of the Haida Gwaii Museum archives. They were both instrumental in the development and founding of the Haida Gwaii Museum, opened in 1976.

Kathleen Dalzell (1919- 2015) is a noted historian of Haida Gwaii and published three volumes on the history of the islands: The Queen Charlotte Islands Vol 1: 1974-1966; The Queen Charlotte Islands Vol 2: of Places and Names; and The Queen Charlotte Islands, Vol 3: The Beloved Island.
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