Portrait Mask
Datec. 1879
Mediumwood, paint, mammal skin
ClassificationsCeremonial Objects
Paper Field ReferencesCMH VII-B-109
Object numberHRC 00109
Descriptionhuman, wood, painted all black, except whites of eyes, and teeth ( chich are carved separately, 3 missing ) ears and lips, red. 4 holes burned through at each eye, and 4 under chin. remnants of sticks under eyebrows/eyelids at one time?description in 'Haida Art' - this mask used in secret society dances represents a gaagiid, or wild spirit of the woods, someone who narrowly escaped drowning but whose flesh has changed colour from long exposure in cold water.
Exhibition HistoryCrawley Films Ottawa (3-48) - (5-48) Art Gallery Winnipeg (12-54) - (1-55) World's Fair Seattle (3-62) - (11-62) $200 Lowie Museum California (12-64) - (1-66) $700 Replica No.1 - Wood (3-68)
On View
Not on viewCollections
before 1884
c. 1884
July 1899
c. 1879
c. 1898
c. 1879