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Argillite Totem Pole

Datec. 1900
DimensionsOther: 71.8 × 8.9 × 7.6 cm (28 1/4 × 3 1/2 × 3 in.)
ClassificationsCeremonial Objects
Paper Field ReferencesCMH VII-B-792
Object numberHRC 00792
Descriptionlargest in NMC Collection. totem pole slightly tapered toward top, well polished. lower figure a full beaver with a face in his tail. full raven above this with disc in his mouth, next full human figure holding a small child and frog between his legs. top figure an eagle with head bent low over a bear? head and forearms protruding from a fluted circlet. underside hollowed out. separate base glued on.
attrb Charles Edenshaw
Exhibition HistoryImp. Institute London (11-29) NFB Ottawa (2-58) NMC 2nd Floor Ottawa (4-67) CCI Storage (7-81) - (7-84)Published References'Haida Myths' Marius Barbeau
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