Copper Shield
DimensionsOther: 8.9 × 12.8 cm (3 1/2 × 5 1/16 in.)
ClassificationsCeremonial Objects
Paper Field ReferencesCMH VII-B-274 (a)
Object numberHRC 00274
Descriptionmade from a single sheet of copper cut into five sided shape with rounded upper edge, pointed lower edge, slightly curved sides and used as a pendant on a collar or apron (according to Newcombe). convex t shaped ridge bisects lower half (ridge is repousse, visible on rreverse surface as a concavity). upper portion is slightly convex ccreating a slight concavity on revers surface. circular perforations (0.2cm diameter) drilled through reidge at centre of llower edge and in centre of upper edge for suspension. two roughly shaped perforations of carying diameters in upper and lower portions and one in ridge across centre. black ccoating on front surffacce. pointed tip of one upper corner broken off and triangular indentation and crack in centre of one sidde of upper portion. two small rough slightly perforated areas in lower portion (one in ridge). the number "978" is written in pencil and "76" in black ink on reverse surface of upper portion.On View
Not on viewCollections
c. 1898
c. 1905
c. 1898
C. 1879